Solar da Glória ao Carmo
Rua da Glória ao Carmo nº5
9500-618 Ponta Delgada
S. Miguel - Azores - Portugal
Latitude: 37° 45' 14.4''
Longitude: -25° 37' 12''
Telefone/Fax: (+351) 296 629 847
Mobile: (+351) 967 358 397
E-mail: info@gloriaaocarmo.com
Contact & Reservation:
José Santos
1. From the airport, go to the highway. Direction: Ribeira Grande/Lagoa.
2. Take the first exit at S. Roque / Livramento / Estádio . Note that there is a second exit called Estádio/Ribeira Grande after the first one.
3.After exiting the highway, turn right. At the end of the street, turn left.
4. Follow the road for ca. 500m. On the left hand side, you'll see a pink house: Solar Da Glória Ao Carmo!